Trial KRZR K1 - Image181 <p> Courtesy of the Hill and Knowlton (Hill and Knowlton Blog) Motorola Bloggers Relation Program, I picked up my free trial Motorola KRZR K1 phone (complete with new phone number and unfortunately locked to Rogers) yesterday. Bottom line so far: for the power multi-media creator user, Nokia's phones are much better and I would pay my own money for a Nokia N95 or N93 or my mythical N999, I wouldn't pay my own money for the KRZR. </p> Trial KRZR K1 - Image164

<h2>Cool</h2><ol> <li>Came in an awesome aluminum briefcase</li> <li>Great form factor and light weight</li> <li>USB Charging</li> <li>Text Auto Complete even with ITAP turned off</li> <li>Camera has a nice mirror for self portraits</li> </ol> <h2>NOT COOL:</h2> <ol> <li>Cheesy Operating System (ugly to me but YMMV)</li> <li>Adapter for normal headphones must be unplugged to answer a call!</li> <li>no flash for camera - Nokia flash is not great but better than nothing. Sony Ericsson flashes are much better!</li> <li>the web browser doesn't allow you to change the home page (Rogers bug not Motorola bug?)</li> <li>the web browser is primitive and bad - sorry to be harsh, but compared to Nokia's Web kit browser or Opera, this browser is a toy: it doesn't support upload of attachments to mobile gmail, no way to enter a URL to surf to (you have to create a bookmark), many, many problems</li> <li>ShoZu doesn't work on this phone (Rogers bug?). A phone without ShoZu is like a phone without sunshine :-) !</li> <li>No WiFi - I wouldn't pay my own money for a phone without WiFi</li> <li>No obvious way to upload your photos or videos without going through USB or Bluetooth "chain of pain" - I prefer ShoZu but there's no support to upload photos to flickr and photos and video to Vox which the built in Nokia gallery app on all recent N series phones does</li> <li>Voice Recognition doesn't work for all commands (e,g, I can't turn off Bluetooth with a voice command)</li> </ol>

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