Cross posted from Applicable to Drupal (with the right add on modules installed) and to any Bryght site and to any modern Web 2.0 CMS. Best read while listening to your favourite tune like Personal Jesus (just substitute your community name for 'Jesus' :-) !)

How far we've come when anybody can do this in 2005 in hours or days. Compare to 1999 when this kind of stuff required major tech mojo and weeks!

From Your own personal Urban Vancouver hyper-local citizen journalism site.:



"Hyper-local media" and "citizen journalism" are buzzwords that are getting lots of attention these days. Why? Of course, I don't know the whole answer but part of it is that under 35s don't read newspapers and this is seen as an effective way of getting their attention and engaging them by letting them blog their own news and contextualizing news to where they live instead of the big media hubs like London, New York, Washington, Ottawa, Toronto, etc.

Urban Vancouver (henceforth called UV) is one example of a hyper-local/citizen journalism site. It's news for Vancouverites (that's BC, Canada not Washington, USA) by Vancouverites. There's no barrier to entry (or more accurately, the barriers to entry are much lower). Anybody with a Vancouver connection can join for free and blog for free (including photos and soon, audio and video) and their blog posts show up automatically on the front page.

Before Bryght, creating your own Urban Vancouver (which is a Bryght site) was imposssible for non technical people. With Bryght, you can create your own UV in a matter or hours or days whether you are technical or not.

What you will have

Your own "UV-like" site (to pretentiously name drop European places that I have lived, how about Friedrichshafen Heute, Belsize Park Today, Hadley Common Today or for a Vancouver example how about Cedar Cottage Today?) with blogs automagically published to the front page.

You won't have a cool "Bright CreativeDave Shea" look like Urban Vancouver, but that can be arranged. Contact us and we can put you in touch with a reseller (or do it yourself if you know modern, table-less CSS/HTML design) who can get you a fantastic look and feel.


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