Amen! Software as a service is becoming more viable every day as bandwidth, disc space and processing power continue to decrease in price!

From McInblog: Mr. Moore in the Datacenter.:


For enterprise-focused companies like, Postini, Quova and Rally, the story is similar. Add in a subscription-based recurring revenue stream and you have a business model that has all the benefits of a dependable revenue stream and profit margins that can approach those of a traditional software company. Thanks to the low cost and high performance of today's hardware coupled with an elegant service architecture, Postini is able to process several hundred million email messages per day for its customers with an extraordinarily light hardware footprint and does so quite profitably as a result.

The fun thing about doing a retrospective like this is to realize that when I write about this again in 2015, the increases in CPU speed, memory density and bandwidth will make today's costs and capabilities look as quaint as 1995's do today. Thus the environment will continue to become more hospitable to the software-as-a-service model, more entrepreneurs will create meaningful businesses based on this model, VCs will continue to invest in these ideas (myself included), and we'll all be able to enjoy some mind-blowing applications a decade from now that are simply not possible today.


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