From MediaSavvy: Why can’t a newspaper be more like a blog? Conclusion:


  • RSS feeds put your headlines on readers' desktops, especially the most influential 1% of Web users -- the people who can drive traffic to your site. Don't worry that you can't control it or measure it. Trust people to find you.
  • Comments let your reader participate directly in the reporting process, amplifying, correcting, and just blowing off steam. Letters to the editor and separate bulletin boards now seem absurd.
  • Archives should no longer be in a separate database. Your Web site should be your archives, which should be free and open to anyone who wants to read or link to your news. Why shouldn't readers be able to search your archives using Google? Think before you answer that question.
  • Trackback points to people who point to you, creating context for every news story you publish, and giving back traffic to people who are pointing their readers to you.
  • Your community should be the focus of your site. And you should be integrating your site with bloggers and other sites in your community.


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