BarCamp AMS 2005 Mediamatic Flock demo - 11BarCamp AMS 2005 Opening - 35BarCamp AMS 2005 Opening - 28 BarCamp AMS 2005 Day 2 Boris Cooks - 1 Nat Torkington of O'Reilly with BarCamp Amsterdam T Shirt BarCamp AMS 2005 Day 2 Tshirts arrive1 <p> I didn't attend the first BarCamp in Palo Alto in 2005. But being a friend of Chris Messina, Andy Smith and a lover of participatory things, BarCamp seemed like a great idea. Thus in October 2005 when Boris suggested that I help with BarCamp Amsterdam, one of the first BarCamps after the original and the first in Europe, I didn't hesitate to help out. </p><p> The rest is history. We had a great BarCamp in Amsterdam. Mies (and a friend whose name escapes me) and I had lots of fun buying a whole taxi full of groceries with sponsorship money from Chris Pirillo (thanks Chris!!!) and the other sponsors and doing the customs dance to get the tshirts designed by Eris Stassi and Chris Messina , Mies found us space at Mediamatic; Wilhelm of Mediamatic kicked in killer espresso and beer, Boris cooked breakfast and supper and we all enjoyed a fun Indian late night meal and met many European Open Source and other hackers. Not to mention learning lots at both the sessions and in the hallway and next to the espresso machine. </p> BarCamp Vancouver  Intros 25Aug06 - 4 Awesome BarCamp Vancouver shirt - Roland in Vancouver (129) BarCamp Vancouver Door Shift 25Aug06 - 16 Bill, head honcho of Workspace - Roland in Vancouver (151) BarCamp Vancouver  26Aug06 - 5 Snapshot of everchanging BarCamp Vancouver Grid - Roland in Vancouver (160) <p> BarCamp Vancouver 2006 took place in August 2006 thanks to the incredible Crystal Williams (come back to Vancouver!) who went above and beyond the call of volunteer-dom and of course the rest of the great organizers (Darren, Kris, Robert et al and thanks to WorkSpace for donating the venue!). And it was magic too. Nothing like great people and great learning in a conference organized together in our own city! </p><p> BarCamp Vancouver 2007 (thanks to the other 2007 organizers: Zak, Kris, Robert, Megan, Jordan, Ianiv, Aaron) will happen in 2007 on Friday August 17 and Saturday August 18 (just like BarCamp Block back where it all began in Palo Alto at Socialtext) like the hundreds of other BarCamps (shout out to BarCamp Shanghai and Beijing which will be held soon afterwards with Kris and Robert being two of the organizers). It's gonna be a blast and I look forward to attending and organizing many more BarCamps (and maybe someday I'll make it to one of those BarCamps in China!). </p>

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